Root Canal

Root canal therapy is a widely performed dental procedure that effectively treats infected or damaged teeth. During the procedure, the damaged tissue within the tooth's inner chamber, known as the root canal, is carefully removed and replaced with a filling material. This highly effective treatment is utilized for addressing severe decay, infection, trauma, or any other form of tooth damage.

Dr. Lawrence Wong, a highly skilled dentist based in Castro Valley, CA, specializes in the art of root canal therapy. With his extensive experience and expertise, he offers exceptional care to patients requiring this procedure. Dr. Wong takes the time to thoroughly evaluate each patient's needs, engaging in open discussions about all available treatment options before proceeding with the therapy. Rest assured, you are in capable and caring hands with Dr. Wong.

Root canal therapy can help save damaged teeth that were otherwise beyond repair due to infection or advanced decay. During the procedure, Dr. Wong will carefully remove any infected or damaged tissue from inside the tooth before filling it with a special material called gutta-percha. This material is biocompatible and helps prevent further damage and decay from occurring within the tooth's inner chamber. After the filling is placed, a crown may be placed over the tooth to protect it from further damage and improve its appearance.

Dr. Wong understands that root canals can be an intimidating experience for many patients. That's why he takes the time to thoroughly explain each step of the process beforehand, ensuring that patients are comfortable and well-informed about their upcoming appointment. With his expertise in performing this procedure and his compassionate bedside manner, Dr. Wong is dedicated to providing quality care for those undergoing root canal therapy in Castro Valley.

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